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Wonderful Things Art
Authentic Reproductions of Ancient Egyptian Art by Natalie Watson

My insights into ancient Egyptian art, interpretations of hieroglyphics, symbolism, and art styles.

Natalie Watson
May 9, 2022
Inamun Making Offerings to Osiris (Stela of Inamun Nayesnebu)
The Stela of Inamun Nayesnebu dating to Dynasty 25 depicts the woman giving offerings to the mummified human-headed god Osiris.

Natalie Watson
Mar 17, 2022
Symbolism In The Art Of Queen Nefertari’s Tomb
The tomb of Nefertari located in the Valley of the Queens is one of the largest and most lavishly decorated in Egypt’s history.

Natalie Watson
Mar 17, 2022
A Trio of Musicians from the Tomb of Nakht
Reproduction of the trio of ancient Egyptian female musicians from the tomb of Nakht playing a double flute, a lute, and a harp.

Natalie Watson
Mar 1, 2022
The God Iah-Thoth Receiving the Wadjet (Stela of Neferrenpet and Huynefret)
Reproduction of an illustration from a stone stela Cat 1592 (Turin N 50046) praising the healing power of the god Iah-Thoth.

Natalie Watson
Feb 14, 2022
Amarna Stela Reproduction: Akhenaten, Nefertiti and Family Beneath the Aten
Reproduction of an Ancient Egyptian stela from Amarna, depicting King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti worshipping the sun-disk Aten

Natalie Watson
Dec 10, 2021
Userhat Receiving Offerings from Nut Beneath the Sycamore Tree
Reproduction of a painting from the Tomb of Userhat showing the deceased meeting Nut, the goddess of the sycamore tree and receiving water.

Natalie Watson
Nov 26, 2021
Isis and Nephthys Praising the Morning Sun and Osiris-Ra
A vignette from the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead representing the beginning of the sun’s daily journey through the sky.

Natalie Watson
Oct 14, 2021
The Weighing of the Heart, Book of the Dead (Chapter 30B)
The Papyrus of Ani dating from c. 1250 BC depicts the moment when a man was judged before the gods to enable entry to the afterlife.

Natalie Watson
Oct 3, 2021
The Royal Love Story: Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun's Floral Pavilion Encounter
One of the masterpieces of Egyptian art and workmanship, the throne features an evocative image of the young king with his wife Ankhesenamum

Natalie Watson
Sep 30, 2021
The Embrace of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep
In Egypt's Saqqara Necropolis a 5th Dynasty mastaba tomb contains a striking portrayal of two men in close embrace.

Natalie Watson
Sep 19, 2021
Stela of Kay, Head of the Desert Hunters
Reproduction of the Stela of Kay, showing the ancient Egyptian Head of the Desert Hunters with his five hunting dogs.

Natalie Watson
Sep 2, 2021
Interactive Map of Ancient Egyptian Museum Collections
Interactive map of ancient Egyptian artefacts that have been dispersed across the globe in museums and cultural institutions

Natalie Watson
Apr 2, 2021
The Divine Women Ruling the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon: Meet the Goddesses of Ancient Egypt
15 of the major goddesses of the ancient Egyptian pantheon, shown with their modern names, and their names in the ancient Egyptian language.

Natalie Watson
Mar 11, 2021
Funerary Model of a Brewing and Baking Workshop, c. 2010 BC
An ancient Egyptian funerary model discovered in the elaborately decorated Dynasty 12 tomb of Khety I in Beni Hasan

Natalie Watson
Feb 13, 2021
The Funerary Offering Table of Watetkhethor, a 6th Dynasty Egpytian Princess
Wall painting from the tomb of Watetkhethor, daughter of king Teti, dating to Dynasty 6 (around 2290 BC)

Natalie Watson
Jan 22, 2021
Ancient Egyptian Symbols: Measuring Time
Ancient Egyptian art is packed full of symbolism, with hieroglyphics used to both annotate and decorate.

Natalie Watson
Nov 23, 2020
Atum Repelling Apep, Serpent of Chaos
Translaton of a scene from the ancient Egyptian Book of Gates featuring the creation god Atum repelling the serpent of chaos, Apep

Natalie Watson
Nov 8, 2020
Naqada Pottery of Predynastic Egypt: A 5,400-year-old Representation of a River Festival
Predating the invention of hieroglyphic writing, this decorated jar shows the ancient Egyptians' close connection to the river Nile.

Natalie Watson
Nov 1, 2020
The Painted Tomb-Chapel of Nebamun, 1350 BC
Reproduction of a feasting scene from the 18th Dynasty tomb chapel of Nebamun in Thebes.

Natalie Watson
Oct 26, 2020
What did the Ancient Egyptians Call Memphis? A Map of Ancient Egyptian Town Names
What did the Ancient Egyptians call Memphis? A map of ancient Egyptian town names for Lower Egypt
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